Monday, October 3, 2011

Buckle up

This morning Ive had the verse, Galations 6 vs 9, repeating over and over in my head, especially the first part- 'do not get weary of doing good'. Im pretty sure that God thinks I need some reminders about this command...I know that I think that I do. The verse continues with a promise 'for at just the right time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up'. The truth being that this, 'just the right time', may or may not be this side of eternity.

Recently Ive felt like Ive needed to 'byt vas' and keep on persevering in so many areas of my life. The 'discouraging' thing has been that in so many of those areas Ive not seen the fruit Ive wanted to see developing from my self discipline, love...whatever 'doing good' requires in that area. The harvest has seemed pretty dismal, and at times Ive been so tempted to stop 'fighting the good fight'!.... but then I'll be reading scriptures like Gal 6:9, where once again Im reminded that the reward or harvest that I receive in this life,will be just that...for this life. Eternity comes into focus and I remember that another life is coming, one that lasts forever, one where eternal rewards will be given and those 'crowns' I will be able to lay down at my Lord and Saviours feet. How much greater is that harvest perfect is that timing?

So today my prayer is that the Lord would keep reminding me that this life is not THE pinnacle of His story. That He would make me bold and courageous, willing and single hearted as I continue to keep relying on him to enable me to keep on doing good, knowing His timing is perfect! To God be the glory...forever and ever!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So it's that time of year again...exam time, study time and the big one...portfolio submission time. This semester I have two portfolios to submit- I'm studying a BA in Communication Sciences, so both fall into varying aspects of this subject. Admittedly I am by no means a star student, in fact studying falls quite low on my priority list at times. Although I am a great reader and my ability to skim read quickly, coupled with fairly competent linguistic skills, has meant Ive been saved many a time from coming face to face with my lack of hours spent consistently studying throughout the semester. Note to readers: I am getting much better at this, the studying part, not the 'cruising through' part (:

The main reason that I am not excited about these particular portfolio's is due to the fact that I'm not a fan of loads of referencing or questions that I don't entirely understand. So the facts would say I am out of my depth, but God's grace would say...He is sufficient! I am getting excited at the thought that God is going to once again (as he has the last 3 years of my degree) teach me something new through this strrrrrrretching exam season. I know that God is my source, my ultimate teacher, my perfect confidante and He has the WHOLE world in His hands (wow that put's my exams into focus).

Praying that God uses my weaknesses to glorify His strengths, my shortcomings to highlight His perfection and my dependency on Him to magnify His faithfulness!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Make-up wake-up

So Ive realised recently how often I mindlessly put makeup on. Not because I feel this deep need to wear it, but because its just what us women do! Then last weekend we were sitting talking about all sorts of things and makeup came into the conversation too, which is what started all these rambling thoughts...

I realise that I'm not going to be in my 20's forever, obviously. The tough truth is that as one gets older makeup becomes more necessary (depending on your views, philosophy etc.), generally speaking! I'm 24 and honestly I don't really need to wear makeup. Yeah its nice to get dressed up and 'make-upped' on a night out, but the day to day things...why?? So yesterday I decided to stop wearing makeup every day. Not at as a rule, but to stop putting it on mindlessly. The question I want to be asking myself is why? why do I want to put makeup on? If after thinking about it I still want to wear some, then sure I will, but if I realise that Im just putting it on as a habit then NO! I want to be me and look like me, Im not perfect and Im not flawless (by a long shot), but Im a healthy 24 year old, who is focussing on becoming more and more healthy! Id rather be sporting glowing skin and healthy rosy cheeks because Im beaming with health, as opposed to because Ive got the greatest makeup kit (:

Less makeup means less hiding from health...for me at least! And that's what Ive been pondering on today...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

hot pink nailpolish

God has been speaking to me about the importance of redefining normal for myself and swimming against the flow. Both of these concepts are a bit scary for me, mostly because Im a blender...not the kitchen aid type, but a 'fitting in with the status qou'. It's a little embarrassing to admit, I mean who wants to be a blender! It is true though.

It's something God is changing in my heart and life though, in small steps. Tonight's step was a funny one. As I was getting ready for church I spotted this bright nail polish on my dressing table that I haven't worn in a while, so since I had a few extra minutes I decided it would be fun to paint my nails. Amazingly enough the painting part went pretty smoothly, which is not always the case as I'm no pro, it was the finished result that was the problem. Once both hands were lovely and painted I suddenly realised how BRIGHT this pink was. By this stage I was now almost late to leave for church but I was determined to remove the nail polish before leaving. Fortunately I had some cutex remover left in my room, so I soaked the cotton ball and proceeded to scrub at the nail polish...again...and again! It would not budge! I have no idea why, but this nail polish would not come off!

At this point I was freaking out a bit, I mean here I was forced to arrive at church with hands painted so brightly I could probably signal down a plane if needed! It was then that I stopped and God dropped something into my heart. I heard God asking me if I liked the colour on my nails, to which I had to answer yes. The problem was not the colour but the attention it might draw. In that moment I realised that I had a test to pass. It was such a small thing really, but God was definitely giving me a taste of 'stepping out' and 'swimming against the flow'.

I went to church with my nails like that and no-one ever mentioned it- hilarious! I know that God is going to continue to grow me in this area, and I am excited (and nervous) to be grown in God be the glory!

In His Grip

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Getting there!

I am very proud of myself that today marks not only the 7th successful day of my 'prioritising health' lifestyle change, but also my 2nd blog post in a week- I will be consistent...I will try to be consistent!

I hosted my first dinner party on Friday since being off the long list of things I am off at the moment, and it was interesting. I rushed around prepped, entertained, hosted and...didn't get around to eating anything myself, haha. I did plan to, I had even pre-cooked some foods, but once in the moment and the 13 guests had arrived, food was forgotten. So yes it can be inconvenient at times, especially when your guests question why you aren't eating the food you cooked for them...suspicious much (; All in all though, it was not a huge deal and Saturday morning saw me waking up and making myself a big breakfast of eggs, peppers and avocado to make up for it- yum!

One of the most interesting things about reading up on allergies/ toxins etc. and the 'things to avoid', is coming to the awareness of checking even the most 'seemingly harmless' products before tossing them into or onto my food. Things like good old Ina Paarman's spices, I'm a huge fan, but so many of the spices in the range (and most spice ranges for that matter, in fact IP's is probably the best) have added things like sugar, citric acid or wheat- the littlest things that makes me wonder why they're really necessary. I have decided to avoid a large quantity of the spices I used to use and am now on the journey of learning to season my food the 'real way' as opposed to chucking on the 'meat spice' or 'chicken spice', which has made it much easier in the past. I'm choosing to see it as all part of the adventure.

On that note off I go for some bouncing time right now- Carpe Diem!
In His Grip

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The day that started it all

So today was officially the first day of Spring in this beautiful country we call SA....and it poured with rain! Ha! I loved it! I am unapologetically a winter baby, always have been- give me grey skies and sheets of rain and I'm pretty contented. I do understand Ive never lived in a place where that is the norm, so I realise that I may not be able to claim that id be happy with that weather forever, but tonight, I loved it!

So back to the main point, today was the first day of my 'prioritising health', and it was wonderful! I know it was all by the grace of God that I happily munched down my salad while Cal sat opposite me munching a juicy burger, and I am overwhelmed with thanks to Him. Day 1- tick! Yay!

I really enjoyed all the food I ate today and relished the feeling of doing good to myself! I am discovering a whole new world of foods that are wheat, dairy, sugar and preservative free! Bring on the new day!

With that I end off, ready to cuddle with my hot water bottle, listen a little longer to the rain , and then onto glorious sleep!

In His Grip

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A year from now you'll wish you'd started today

The title of my  blog is something I read online, well saw actually, thanks to Pinterest! It struck me because I think its so ridiculously true. Time rushes by and soon the very far away because the 'remember when'. Ive had that moment so many times, like the night before an exam when Ive thought, "If only Id started a week ago... a month ago...the day my books arrived in the post".
I am a procrastinator...make that a princess of procrastinating! I wish it wasn't true but sadly it is...Ive gotten by with this attribute for so long because Ive got procrastinating down to a fine art. I'm not ridiculously dumb or a hot mess, in fact most people pin me as rather organised I think . The thing is I know better...

I know I'm capable of more, I know I'm destined for more and I know there are tests Ive failed that I desperately want to pass one day, someday soon!

A big area (test) that Ive been procrastinating about would be my health, I go through these phases of health vibes, but then the temptation to slip back into old routines of 'good' ole Slim slabs, coffee fixes and o-tees bars (hello exam season) being my basic diet starts up again...

So despite having a number of procrastination areas I want to work on, the top of the list is my health. So often Ive let my health suffer and just treated the symptoms, thinking I'll 'get-around' to prioritising my health next week... month... year, yeah you get the idea.... just wherever is not right then.

So after feeling some seriously strong conviction from my patient Heavenly Dad, Ive decided it ends now. I want to be faithful with ALL God entrusts to me, my health being a big thing He has blessed me with! I know that when I'm healthy I'm able to do more, go more, be more and serve God be the glory.

I know that none of these things are possible without God's enabling. I am completely and utterly helpless without Him and I need His grace in a fresh way every day, fortunately He is amazing at taking my weakness and showing off His strength!

Romans 12
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

In His Grip amigos
Carpe Diem